Platform Version 0.2.5
New Features and Improvements
Add S3 CORS rule for ana/channel-doc bucket to enable access for UI
Implement getBankAccounts query on infrastructure & expose it to Platform UI
Change "Instances" to "Peak Instances" on plans page
Enable Quicksight on production
Trace-ability UI Implementation
Implement backfill script for admin log
Release new spot job manager on production
Create site for sdk docs.
Update all typography on Platform UI to Text component
Update AnaRun table to support interpretation info
Traceback back-end implementation
Implement sdk and api calls to retrieve channel logs.
Add Boolean for has created a dataset in the last month to Admin Waitlist reporting
Update Stripe API calls to include a try/catch on the stripe client instantiation.
Turn Modal into Custom React Hook
Bug Fixes
Fix Login Vulnerability
Extra whitespace on the bottom of the billing page/change plan modal
Billing page issue where metadata is returning undefined
Make graph_id and staged_graph_id optional for setting default graph
Make datasetId required for get_channel_runs call
Change billing plan doesn't work on test environment
Graph save as button doesn't navigate to new saved graph
Developer plan showing wrong price in Organizations settings
Datasets that have valid images should show them in the browse datasets page
Graph does not keep node layout locations after Save As
To find out and fix all unsuccessful api call for Stripe
Issue with downloading and uploading YAML files.
Last updated