Platform Version 0.2.0


New Features and Improvements


Support Site is Live for Users to browse Documentation about General Concepts, Developer Guides, and SDK Documentation

Different levels of access for Organization Members, Workspace Guests, and Organization Administrators

Job manager Redesign

Refreshed for performance improvements and reactivity

Members can view their Organizations and Workspaces through the Landing Page

Organization Admins can view Billing information, make changes to their Plan, make payments, and can view their level of access through the Organization Settings Page

Members and Admins can transfer Workspaces between Organizations

Users can view more detailed Job status on the Jobs Page

Users can navigate to the Support Site through the Documentation Dropdown in the header

Users can sign up for the Platform and must verify email before logging in

Users will have a default Workspace when they log in for the first time

Renamed all graph calls to staged_graphs in anatools.client.graphs module

Members can manage and deploy data Volumes through the SDK with the anatools.client.volumes module

Members can manage and view Channel Deployment status through the SDK with the anatools.client.channels module

Members can run and manage Analytics jobs through the SDK with the module

Members can run and manage GAN jobs through the SDK with the anatools.client.gan module

Members can run and manage Annotations jobs through the SDK with the anatools.client.annotations module

create_dataset method updated with to use the runs parameter instead of interpretations for the anatools.client.graphs module

New Ana classes, attributes, and helper functions to make Channel Development easier

Members can pull a template Channel Development Docker Image from the Public ECR

Members can run containers via the devcontainer.json file

Update to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Known Issues


When new user registers and goes to Organizations they are greeted with “You don’t have permissions” error.

Workspace Guests cannot remove themselves from Workspaces

Bad Graph Errors are not cached and affects Previews

Jobs in Queued State may show status of 100% before running

Number of Instances in Organization Settings Table is not accurate

Preview startup can take several minutes (~3min)

Last updated