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Organization and Workspace Resources

When managing content in, it is important to keep in mind the distinction between Organization-level and Workspace-level resources. Resources are content that can be created, modified, deleted and even shared with other organizations. Examples of resources are:

  • Channels

  • Volumes

  • GAN Models

  • Annotation Maps

Organization-level resources are either owned and managed by the organization or the organization has been permitted to use the resource by another organization. Let’s take a look at the list of Channels that are available to a demo organization.

Channels table

Notice that the list includes two channels:

  • example - this channel is owned by and has been shared with this organization. The organization cannot modify or delete the channel, they can only remove it from their organization.

  • satrgb - this channel is also owned by and has been shared with this organization.

Both of these channels can be used to create graphs and synthetic datasets in this organization’s Workspaces. From this page you can also create a new channel by clicking on the New Channel button.

New Channel button

Fill in the fields as you’d like, the channel name is the only required field. The channel name must be unique to channels that your organization owns. For our example, we will create a new channel named Demo.

New Channel dialog

After creating the channel, we can see that we have different options for channels we own: Edit and Delete.

Channels table

Now that we’ve created a new channel, lets see how it can be used.

Managing resources in a Workspace

Workspaces are like projects on the platform, where you can gather the required resources to solve a problem or use-case. These resources can help solve particular problems like channels for generating synthetic data, volumes for storing and managing content, GAN models for bridging the domain gap and annotation maps for classifying objects correctly in annotations.

There are two ways to add and remove resources to a workspace:

  1. The Workspaces table - From the landing page, you can select your organization Workspaces tab. In the list of workspaces, click on the three-button icon to the right of the workspace, then select Resources from the dropdown list.

    Workspace table


  2. The Workspace page - You can add and remove resources from a Workspace by clicking the three-button icon on top-left next to the workspace name, then selecting Resources from the dropdown list.

    Workspace page

After selecting the Resources button, we land on the Workspace Resources dialog.

Workspace Resources

Once we have gotten to the Workspace Resources dialog, we can navigate between the different types of resources and modify the lists to either include or exclude a resource from that workspace. This is how Organization resources are exposed to a Workspace. Note that you must click the Save button for changes to take affect. After the workspace resources have been modified, the content will be available in the workspace to help generate synthetic data. In this example, we are adding the new Channel we have created to the workspace and saving.

Now when we go to create a graph, the new Channel is available from the list to choose from.

Note that this channel has been created, but we have not deployed the channel. This means there will be no nodes in the channel to create the graph with yet. To learn more about deploying channels, visit our Developer Guide documentation to deploy the example channel.


Visit the following tutorials to learn more learn more about other resources:

Creating and Using Volumes

Domain Adaptation

Dataset Annotations

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